Index Funds: The Best Kept Secret for Easy and Effective Investing

Rahul sharma

Fund manager


In 2020, as the pandemic shook the global economy, Shyam, an athletics coach from Pune, sought advice from Ram, his mutual fund advisor. Ram suggested index funds for their low costs and diversification. Despite the market's ups and downs, Shyam's long-term perspective helped him stay calm. How did this strategic choice fare through the volatility? Let's delve into the resilience and reality of index funds in turbulent times.

Index investing is a popular strategy where investors aim to match the market's performance. Shyam achieved this by investing in index funds, which are a collection of stocks that mirror the performance of a specific market index like the Nifty50. These are managed passively and offer a broad slice of the market at a low cost. Whether you’re interested in large caps, small caps, specific industries, or the entire market, there's an index fund for you. So, for those feeling bullish about the market’s future, index funds

offer a practical and accessible option

How Do Index Funds Work?

Index funds simply mimic certain market segments by holding a bundle of securities, which make up an index. They operate passively, meaning they don't need a dedicated team of analysts to pick stocks. Instead, they simply mirror the performance of the index they are based on.

For example, if an index fund is tracking the NSE Nifty Index, it will have 50 stocks in its portfolio in similar proportions to the Nifty. Similarly, an index fund following the BSE Market Index will have around 30 stocks in its portfolio.

An index can include equity and equity-related instruments, along with bonds. The index fund ensures that it invests in all the securities that the index tracks, maintaining the same proportions to mirror the index's performance accurately.

Why Invest In Index Funds?

Even though fund managers put in significant effort to "beat the market" (i.e., outperform a market index), they rarely succeed. When they do, it’s unlikely they will continue to do so over the long term.

Here’s why you should consider investing in index funds:


Index funds offer low expense ratios due to passive management, making them an affordable choice for investors.

Broad Diversification

By replicating market indexes, index funds provide exposure to a wide range of stocks, sectors, and industries, spreading out investment risk.

Consistent Long-Term Growth

Designed to mirror the performance of established indexes, index funds offer stable growth potential over time compared to individual stocks.

Risk Minimization

Index funds mitigate individual stock risk through diversified holdings, ensuring that the poor performance of one company does not significantly impact overall fund performance.

No Fund Manager Bias

Index funds avoid fund manager bias by replicating index compositions, ensuring that individual stock weights in the fund's portfolio precisely mirror the index.

Low Concentration Risk

Index funds tracking indices such as Nifty 50 or Nifty 100 are structured to limit exposure to specific stocks. This strategic construction reduces the portfolio's concentration risk, meaning that the performance of any single stock has only a limited impact on the overall value of the investment.


Before investing your money into any fund, it's crucial to thoroughly review all the information available about it. This includes reading the fund's prospectus and the latest shareholder report. You can usually find this information on the fund's website.

With SEBI's recent reclassification of mutual fund schemes, index funds could be a smart way to save money and build a solid financial future.

For personalized guidance on your financial strategy, consider consulting with Jio Financial Services today!

Disclaimer: Investments in the securities market are subject to market risks. Read all the related documents carefully before investing. Jio Financial Services does not guarantee any specific returns and all investments are subject to individual risk tolerance and financial situation. Please consult with a financial advisor before making any investment decisions.